About Us

An alliance of Demidov descendants united to promote the important historical, cultural and philanthropic contributions of our ancestral family. The European Demidoff Foundation was founded in Switzerland on 28 November 2022 as a Swiss Association in accordance with art. 60 ff of the Swiss Civil Code. It is a totally independent and separate successor organization of the London branch of the International Demidoff Foundation. Our ambitions are to secure proper foundation status over the near-term under the liberal Swiss foundation law (art. 80 - 89 Swiss CC). 

Alexandre Tissot Demidoff
Alexandre Tissot DemidoffPresident of the
Kristiina Helmi Natalia Demidoff
Kristiina Helmi Natalia DemidoffVice President of the
Alexander Borovikov
Alexander BorovikovAmbassador in the Board of Directors of the


An alliance of Demidov descendants united to promote the important historical, cultural and philanthropic contributions of our ancestral family